EPATEE at the EUFORES Conference AHLEC 2017

EPATEE was presented jointly with the ENSPOL project at the 2017 Annual High Level Experts Conference (AHLEC) of EUFORES, as part of a session about the European policy framework for heating and cooling.

This presentation discussed first the lessons learnt from implementing Energy Efficiency Obligations (in the frame of the article 7 of the Energy Efficiency Directive), based on the results of the ENSPOL project (http://enspol.eu/), and then the role of evaluations to know the impacts and improve policies. This opened the floor for discussions about the interactions between energy efficiency policies and policies to increase the share of RES (Renewable Energy Sources) for heating and cooling, and how both policy frameworks can learn from each other.

For more details about AHLEC 2017, see: http://www.eufores.org/index.php?id=253