Webinar #5 - 2nd EPATEE Dissemination Webinar - How and what can we learn from the EPATEE Toolbox?


Webinar #5 - March 28, 2019 - 11:00 to 12:15 am CET

Subject: How and what can we learn from the EPATEE Toolbox for ex-post evaluation of energy efficiency?


This dissemination webinar will showcase the EPATEE Toolbox with a two-fold objective:
• Presenting the structure and content of the toolbox and illustrating through practical examples how it can be used.
• Getting your views and comments about the toolbox. Its development is an iterative process.


Evaluating the impacts of energy efficiency policies can be complex and tricky. There is a lot of experience available, which can make it difficult when one looks for answers to specific questions. The EPATEE project developped a toolbox to support stakeholders to find the resources that fit their needs. The toolbox helps defining their evaluation approach with an interactive user interface that provides users with practical guidance tailored to 30 combinations of sector, policy instruments and method for evaluating energy savings.

This dissemination webinar will explain the background and how the toolbox was developed. It is illustrated with a live demonstration of evaluations that can be done with the toolbox. The display will make it possible for participants to test and comment on the toolbox. This is meant for all types of users, from begineers to evaluation experts. 

Your feedback is welcome to ensure that the Toolbox is user-friendly and provides you with the guidance you need!