Case studies

Case studies about examples of evaluations

These case studies present how policy measures have been evaluated, including an interview with the evaluation customer and/or lead evaluator.

Country Name of the measure Sector Type
Austria City Energy Efficiency Programmes of Vienna Transversal Policy mix
Austria Environmental Support' (UFI: Umweltförderung im Inland) Industry and services Financial
Belgium Primes Energie (grants for energy renovation) Residential Financial
Croatia Individual heat metering in multifamily buildings Residential Information/ Education
Croatia Energy renovation of public sector buildings programme Services Financial
Denmark EEO (Energy Efficiency Obligation) scheme Transversal Market-based
Finland Voluntary audits for municipalities Services Information/ Education
Finland Energy Efficiency Agreement for Industries Industry and services Cooperative
France "Future Investments" programme Transversal Financial
France Voluntary agreement for freight companies Transport Cooperative
Germany Energy Efficiency Networks Initiative (Initiative Energieeffizienznetzwerke) Industry and services Cooperative
Germany Energy Efficiency Fund Transversal Financial
Ireland Better Energy Homes Residential Financial
Italy White Certificates Scheme Residential Financial
Lithuania Renovation programmes with EU funding Residential Financial
Netherlands Purchase tax on passenger cars Transport Fiscal
Netherlands Multi-year agreements in non-ETS sectors (MJA3) Industry and services Cooperative
Netherlands Subsidy scheme for housing corportations in Amsterdam Residential Financial
Nordic Countries Nordsyn and the Effect project (market surveillance) Residential Legislative / Normative
UK Warm Front Residential Financial
UK Supplier Obligations Residential Market-based
US Weatherization Assistance Program Residential Financial
US Auctions for capacity markets Energy sector Market-based

Topical case studies

These case studies are focused on evaluation issues that have been highlighted by stakeholders and representing key challenges in terms of evaluation practices. They include a targeted literature review and practical examples.