Newsletter EPATEE #2, January 2018

Friday, January 26, 2018

The EPATEE team wish you a very Happy New Year!

This second EPATEE (Evaluation into Practice to Achieve Targets for Energy Efficiency) newsletter will provide you with an update about the latest outputs published in 2017 and what's coming next in 2018.

> Stakeholders' priorities and needs

Over summer 2017, about 60 stakeholders (policy makers, policy officers, programme implementers, evaluators, policy analysts, researchers) from 13 European countries were interviewed or surveyed to better know their priorities about evaluation issues, how they would define the level of evaluation practices in their country and what barriers would impede effective evaluation practices.

A report has been published on the EPATEE website to summarize the main outcomes of the two actions (interviews and online survey). These results are used to better understand how evaluation of energy efficiency policies is implemented in a sample of EU Member States and what the main barriers are. This makes possible to identify what aspects of policy evaluation the EPATEE team should focus on, and how the project can support the stakeholders through meetings, webinars, workshops and conferences, web platform, guidelines, etc.

>> Download the report at:
>> A second online survey will be done in February 2018. If you are interested in being surveyed, send your contact details to


> First EPATEE case studies now available

One of the objectives of EPATEE is to provide concrete examples of evaluations, gathering detailed experience feedback about why evaluation is used, how it is performed, what difficulties are encountered, etc.

The case studies include a short description of the policy/programme evaluated, the main data available (means, outputs, energy savings), a concise description of the evaluation method, and an interview with the evaluation customer or the evaluator about a qualitative experience feedback on the evaluation.

8 case studies are already available on the EPATEE website, together with two short documents introducing the case studies and the terminology used:

More case studies will be published by April 2018. If you have comments or suggestions about the case studies, please contact Jean-Sébastien Broc (


> Meet EPATEE at IEPPEC 2018 (Vienna, 25-27 June 2018)

International Energy Policies & Programmes Evaluation ConferenceIEPPEC (International Energy Policies & Programmes Evaluation Conference) 2018 will be held in Vienna on 25-27 June 2018. The theme of this year's conference is “2020 is tomorrow. Are we ready?”

The conference aims at exchanging new ideas, inputs for current and upcoming debates, experience, feedback, and lessons learnt about all the stages of evaluations.
The various sessions will explore how evaluation work can tell us about whether we are on track to achieve 2020 targets. They will also provide concrete examples about how evaluations can help upgrade policies and programmes to ensure that targets will be achieved in 2020 and beyond.

EPATEE partners will be presenting several papers and organising a panel session to discuss the expectations and needs of policy makers towards evaluation.

>> Conference programme, registration and all the details
are available at

Note that early birds' registration fees will close by 1st of March.
Looking forward to meeting you there!

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